Avatar the Last Airbender Sokka Funny

The Boy In The Iceberg

  • Sokka cements his role as the party's Deadpan Snarker with this exchange from the first episode:
    • He doesn't really have a flying sister. But Zuko does! note Near the end of the series, Azula masters her Firebending skill to such an extent, she is able to literally rocket into the sky using controlled jets of flame from her hands.
  • Sokka also cements his place as the universe's favorite Butt-Monkey. After Appa sneezes on him, Sokka groans in disgust, leading him to attempting to wipe the snot off before rubbing his body in the snow.
  • Zuko gets a lot of Hypocritical Humor in the series.
  • When Katara introduces Aang to her grandmother, this next line is said completely deadpan, and without missing a beat.

    "Call me Gran-Gran."

  • Aang showing off his glider to the tribe, and grinning at Katara, which leads to him crashing into Sokka's watchtower.
  • Katara tells her grandmother that she's sure Aang can teach her waterbending, since he's clearly full of wisdom. The scene then cuts to Aang goofing around with the village children.
  • Aang shows his Keet off early:
  • Sokka's Drill Sergeant attitude to the little boys of the water tribe when trying to prepare for the coming of Zuko. This comes to a head when one of them asks to use the bathroom. When Sokka soon relents and asks who else needs to do their private business, all of the boys raise their hands, much to his chagrin.

The Avatar Returns

  • The scene when Zuko lands on the Southern Pole village and a boomerang hits him on the back of his head.
    • Sokka attempts to charge at Zuko with a spear, but Zuko simply breaks it, grabs the spear and pokes Sokka in the head a few times.
      • Sokka gets to have his revenge on Zuko later as he pokes the prince in the head with Aang's glider.
  • Iroh slept through that whole episode of capturing the Avatar. Which is made only funnier upon remembering that Zuko told someone "Wake my uncle!" right before they went to the village.
  • After Aang gets free and starts looking for his glider, he peeks into a couple rooms without much success. He opens the door on a third room to find Iroh, snoozing away. He quietly shuts the door, whispering "Sorry..."
  • Katara trying to get Appa to fly, but doesn't know the command. Sokka manages to remember the word.

    Sokka: He's flying! He's really flying! Katara, look he's-! (Katara smiles smugly) ... I mean, big deal, he's flying.

  • The fight with Aang against Zuko on the ship has a pretty funny moment when Zuko ends up getting slammed into the wall and ceiling due to airbending. The way it just happens in the middle of a tense fight is funny. He was defeated by a futon! A FUTON!
  • Katara still not experienced with her waterbending, and instead of freezing the guards, she freezes Sokka's feet. Sokka yells out his frustration. She has to turn around and then she successfully freezes the guards.

    Sokka: I'm just a guy, with a boomerang! I didn't ask for all this flying and magic!

  • Zuko orders his men to begin chasing the Avatar, but then it cuts to his men using their firebending to slowly unfreeze the other soldiers from Katara's waterbending. The way they're melting the ice is similar to people using hairdryers.

The Southern Air Temple

  • The faces of Zuko and Iroh, as they try to come up with a plausible excuse without mentioning the Avatar.
  • The Gyatso scene where it turns out he spent time showing Aang to bake just to throw pies at other monks. Just to add insult to injury, the flying lemurs hop in almost as soon as the pies hit!
  • Aang playing airball with Sokka, needless to say, Aang is the only one having fun because the sport is for airbending.

    Sokka: Him being happy is putting me in a world of hurt.

  • As Zuko and Zhao are having a conversation, Iroh checks out the weapons in the background, and accidentally causes them to fall over. That alone is already funny, but it's made even funnier by Iroh's wide-eyed expression.
  • After a bit of needling, Zuko tries to lunge at Zhao in a rage and has to be held back by Zhao's soldiers, and in frustration kicks the only thing he can reach - Iroh's tea table - to pieces.

    Iroh: (As cheerfully as possible) More tea please!

  • The group meeting Momo for the first time.

    Aang: Lemur!
    Sokka: Dinner!

The Warriors Of Kyoshi

  • At the start of the episode, Zuko is meditating until Iroh comes in, with bad news about the Avatar. Zuko claims he can take it calmly, but when Iroh tells him they haven't located the Avatar yet, Zuko yells out a Big "WHAT?!" and the candles' flames in front of him burst out. Immediately after that, Zuko looks at the map detailing Aang's progress, and notes that he must be a master of evasive maneuvering. Cut to Sokka saying that Aang has no idea where he's going, as the music dies.

    Aang: Well, I know it's near water.
    (Cut to wide shot showing them over ocean with water as far as the eye can see)
    Sokka: I guess we're getting close then.

  • "Don't worry, Sokka. Where we're going, you won't need pants!" note This is also the episode where Sokka meets Suki, his first love interest, making the quote even funnier. Even funnier when you consider Aang's dreams in "Nightmares and Daydreams"...
  • Zuko abandons his dinner to set the course to Kyoshi. Of course, Iroh asks Zuko if he was going to eat his meal, only for Zuko to turn around and grab his plate, declaring, "I WAS GOING TO SAVE IT FOR LATER!", much to Iroh's disappointment.
  • During their stay on Kyoshi Island, Aang is enjoying the fame he's getting from the young female population, to the point of it going overboard several times. One event: A painter trying to capture an image of just him and one girl. Every time he looks back up, there are MORE girls in the picture, until they overshadow Aang. Cut back to the painter with a...not very amused look on his face. Then, he just gives up and leaves.
  • When Sokka apologizes to the female warriors for his sexist behaviour and asks them to train him in combat, he is forced to wear the warriors' outfits. (Doubly funny due to Aang's earlier comment that he wouldn't need pants where they were going.) He is a little bummed out by how "girly" it looks on him at first, but then becomes proud when Suki explains what the uniform represents... only to get bummed out again when Aang passes by, notices him, and teases him about it. (And triply funny when Aang is later forced to dress the same way in the episode "Avatar Day"!)
  • Aang's beloved marble trick becomes Hilarious in Hindsight after it's revealed in The Legend of Korra that he continued to do it well into his forties, as seen here.
  • Katara getting in on the Deadpan Snarker action:

    Katara: He's just upset because "a bunch of girls" kicked his butt.
    Sokka: They snuck up on me!
    Katara: Right. And then they kicked your butt.

  • An example from Polish dub: Suki's name means "bitches" in Polish. note both an insult and a noun describing female dogs And no, the dub did not change her name. So now imagine you don't know her name and see Sokka going to apologize to the Kyoshi warriors for acting sexist and the first thing he says is "Hey, bitches!" note "Hej, Suki!"

The King of Omashu

  • This episode is known as the birthplace of the show's greatest Running Gag of the Cabbage Merchant and his poor cabbages.


  • Aang's ridiculously long pseudonym, which Katara is amazingly proficient at ad-libbing and Bumi somehow remembers perfectly.
  • This bit, especially how it comes completely out of nowhere:

    Soldier: Men, you'll be going off to combat soon. It's important that you be prepared for anything.
    (scene freezes like a picture being taken at the last leg of a water slide or roller coaster as the Gaang come crashing down in the mail chute in the middle of the Earth Kingdom soldiers, both of which wearing expressions of shock, terror, and confusion on their faces. Their stunned eyes make contact for a brief second until the camera picks up speed and the Gaang is gone in a blink of a dusty eye.)

  • This instance of Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:

    Guard: Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages.
    Cabbage Merchant: Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage!

    • Then there's Bumi's response, which doubles as an Establishing Character Moment for him:

      Bumi: Throw them... a feast. (cue shocked soldier and an annoyed Cabbage Merchant)

  • Anything and everything Bumi says throughout the episode whether it's interrogating Aang and his friends, during the challenges, or even the duel he has with Aang.
  • When asking where Aang came from, Aang answers he came from Kangaroo Island:

    Bumi: Kangaroo Island, huh? I heard that place was really hopping! (silence and cough).

    • Then Sokka bursts out laughing.
  • The Running Gag where Bumi or Sokka says something stupid, followed by a Beat and someone quietly coughing in the background.
  • When ordered by Katara to "let us leave!", Bumi responds confusedly with "...lettuce leaf?" Then he eats one.
  • After finding out that Aang is the Avatar, Bumi orders him and his friends to be put in the chamber. The guard asks if he means the good chamber or the bad chamber, with Bumi stating he means the refurbished chamber, which used to be the bad chamber but realizing he has too many chambers and that they should start numbering them.

    Bumi Take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad! (Close up while he eats another lettuce leaf.)

  • After finding a small air vent, Aang notes that Momo could crawl out and find Appa to save them. Unfortunately for them, Momo became too fat for eating many apples and can't fit in the air duct.
  • The "logic" behind Bumi's trials: "It seems I lost my lunchbox key... (shows key inside a waterfall) oh, there it is!"
  • Aang's response to Bumi revealing himself as an extremely powerful Earthbender, right before they start to fight:

    Aang: Can I fight the guy with the axe instead?
    Bumi: There are no take-backsies in my kingdom!

  • Bumi's response after successfully blocking an air attack from Aang:

    Bumi: Did someone leave the windows open? It feels a bit drafty in here. Are you hoping I'll catch a cold?

  • Sokka's theory on Bumi's name, and Katara's response: "We're gonna keep trying, but that is a good backup." Also, when asked how she's doing: "Other than the crystal slowly encasing my entire body, doing great!"
    • The phrase Aang successfully identifies Bumi with:

    "Bumi, you're a mad genius!"

    • Then, after the crystals break off, Bumi just casually chomps on one; it turns out the crystals were candy the whole time.
  • When the two realize who the other is:

    Sokkka: "So this crazy king is your old friend Bumi?"

  • The sight of the 112-year-old king riding down the mail chute with Aang. And then the familiar cabbage cry.


  • When Momo is trying to crack open a nut that may or may not be a rock, he slams it hard against the ground at the same time Haru's earthbending is heard. Thinking he caused it, he drops the rock/nut more carefully and Haru's earthbending is heard again.
  • The trio sees Haru earthbending, who was causing the earlier tremors. Sokka suggests they be careful around that guy, cut to Katara leaving their hiding spot and cheerfully greeting the boy.
  • Early on, the Gaang is in a shop when a Fire Nation patrol shows up. Sokka shouts for them to "act natural." When the patrol enters, they're all standing in 'natural' poses...completely frozen in the most unnatural manner possible.
  • After Haru shows the Gaang where they can stay for the night, Aang says he'll try to keep Appa from eating all their hay. Cut to Appa, who looks towards them with a bale of hay mid chew, pauses...and then keep on chewing.
  • The scene where Katara and Sokka use bad acting to convince the Fire Nation guards that Katara is an earthbender. And the Fire Nation soldier just looks a bit embarrassed for his mistake when the "truth" is revealed.

    Katara: A giant-eared cretin! Look at those things: Do animals use them for shade? I bet elephants gather around and make fun of how large your ears are!
    Katara: I'll show you who's boss! EARTHBENDING STYLE! [Beat] I said... EARTHBENDING STYLE! [the rock levitates to reveal Momo]
    Fire Nation Soldier: That lemur! He's... Earthbending!
    Sokka: No, you idiot, it's the girl!!

  • The following scene is made 10 times funnier by the casting of George Takei as the Warden.

    Warden: Well, which was it, a buffalo or a bison?
    Guard 1: Uh, I'm not sure what the difference is, but that's not really the point, is it, sir?
    Warden: I'll decide what the point is, fool! (throws guard overboard, turns to second guard) You! Wake up the captain! Search the entire rig!
    Guard 2: Sir... that was the captain you just threw overboard.
    Warden: Then wake up someone I haven't thrown overboard and search this rig! There's something going on here and I don't like it!

The Spirit World

  • This exchange:

    Katara: (to Aang, about stopping Hei Bai) I believe in you.
    Sokka: (Encouraging tone) Yeah... We're all gonna get eaten by a spirit monster.

  • Zuko comes across Iroh lounging in a hot tub, and angrily demands that his uncle hurry up and get ready for the pursuit. Iroh doesn't want to leave right away, but at Zuko's insistence, he stands up. Did we mention that the hot tub is only about thigh height?

    Zuko: (waves his arms frantically in front of his face) On second thought, why don't you take another few minutes?

    • Also sets up a nice Chekhov's Gag after Zuko and Iroh have beaten down the earthbenders who'd captured the latter:
  • While being led away by Earth Kingdom soldiers, Iroh leaves one of his sandals behind for Zuko to find. When Zuko does...

    Zuko: (Curiously takes a sniff, then reels back in disgust) Yup, that's Uncle Iroh.

  • This exchange:

    Village Leader: If only there was something we could do for you.

Avatar Roku

  • During the blockade scene:

    Iroh: "Technically we're still in Earth Kingdom waters. Turn back now and they can't arrest you."

  • When a fish bounces off Sokka's head, Momo makes sure to catch it.
  • When the Gaang gets past the blockade:
  • Momo wearing one of the Fire Sage's headdress.

The Waterbending Scroll

  • While Iroh tells Zuko that he changed their ship's course so Iroh could go shopping for another Lotus Tile, the prince just stands there fuming. At the end of Iroh's explanation, he looks up and breathes fire. As smoke begins to fill the room, Iroh cheerfully remarks, "I'm lucky to have such an understanding nephew."
  • Sokka scrubs Appa's toes while Aang and Katara are practicing waterbending. Aang creates a huge wave that splashes over Sokka and Appa.

    Sokka: My life was hard enough when you were just an airbender...

  • This exchange:

    Pirate: I can see from your clothing that you are world-traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?
    Aang: Sure!... What are curios?
    Pirate: (Beat) I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!

  • Sokka slowly beginning to realizes who these "merchants" really are.
  • Aang trying to buy the water scroll.

    Aang: What say ye to the price of... (rolls the coin across his knuckles) One copper piece?
    Captain: (laughs in amusement)
    Aang: Okay, two copper pieces!
    Captain: It's not as amusing the second time.

    • Aang keeping his pirate voice as they leave.
  • The poor cabbage merchant. As the Gaang bump into his cart, Aang uses his staff to blast it back towards the pirates, thus destroying the merchant's cart.

    Cabbage Merchant: My cabbages! This place is worse than Omashu!

  • This scene:

    Iroh: I've checked all the shops on this pier - not a lotus tile in the entire marketplace!
    Zuko: It's good to know this trip was a complete waste of time FOR EVERYONE!
    Iroh: Quite the contrary, I always say the only thing better than finding something you were looking for... (as three Fire Nation soldiers walk past Iroh and Zuko, each carrying a box of knick-knacks) is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!
    Zuko: You bought a tsungi horn?
    Iroh: For music night on the ship. Now if we only had some woodwinds...

  • Iroh making the toothy monkey face.
  • Katara unsuccessfully trying to learn the water whip. She ends up hitting her forehead, and even Momo's bottom.
  • Also when the pirates capture Aang, but not Sokka. When he asks, "Oh, what? I'm not good enough to kidnap?" Cue to a net being thrown at him and gets dragged away.
  • This dialogue shortly after the Gaang gets captured:
  • The pirates throw a smoke-bomb, blinding everyone in it. Aang and Sokka try to contact each other with no luck. So Aang decides to use his airbending to blast the smoke away... but then reveals he's right in the middle of the pirates and Fire Nation soldiers. He decides to pull the smoke back up.

    Aang: Uh... never mind! I'll find you!

  • From the same episode, Zuko pointing and laughing like a dorky ten-year-old when the pirate freaks out over the loss of his boat. Considering he'd been acting like a slightly more agreeable Vegeta up until this point, it was hilarious to see him act so childish and petty. This is actually the only time in the entire series that Zuko laughs out loud. Ever.

    Iroh: Are you two so busy fighting that you cannot see your own ship has set sail?
    Zuko: We have no time for your proverbs, Uncle!
    Iroh: (pointing at the pirates' ship) It's no proverb!
    Pirate Captain: Bleeding hog-monkeys!
    (Zuko bursts out laughing, until he notices his ship has been stolen by the pirates)
    Zuko: HEY! That's my boat!
    Iroh: Maybe it should be a proverb...

    • The fact that Iroh breaks up the fight by grabbing Zuko's ponytail.
  • The ending:

    Iroh: Prince Zuko, you're really going to get a kick out of this... the Lotus Tile was in my sleeve the whole time!"

    • The big grin on his face is what really sells it.
    • Predictably, Zuko didn't get a kick out of it. In fact, he takes the tile and flings it into the river. Where it bounces off the head of a floating pirate.


  • In the beginning:

    Katara: Appa's not too noticeable!
    Sokka: He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head, it's kind of hard to miss him!

    • "Sokka's just jealous cause he doesn't have an arrow."
  • Sokka saying that he should be the leader.

    Katara: (giggling) You're the leader? But your voice still cracks!
    Sokka: I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior, so... (deepens voice) I'm the leader!

  • Jet stealing all of Sokka's thunder.

    Sokka: (club raised behind a Fire Nation soldier that Jet took out) Man!

  • When introduced to Pipsqueak and The Duke, Aang assumes that the little kid is Pipsqueak... only to be corrected by the huge guy behind him.

    Aang: Pipsqueak, that's a funny name. (camera shows The Duke before moving to the actual Pipsqueak)
    Pipsqueak: You think my name is funny?
    Aang: It's hilarious!
    Pipsqueak: (Starts laughing with Aang)

  • This exchange:

    The Duke: These barrels are full of blasting jelly.
    Jet: Excellent score.
    Pipsqueak: And these boxes are full of jelly candy.
    Jet: Also good. Let's not get them mixed up.

  • Smellerbee and Pipsqueak get caught in their own traps, but Pipsqueak is fine with it.

    Pipsqueak: Hey Smellerbee, you gonna eat your lychee nuts? (Smellerbee throws her lychee nuts at Pipsqueak) Ooh.

  • Hey, know what else is a crowning moment of funny? Sokka's instincts!

The Great Divide

  • When Appa and Momo are fighting over the melon.
    • In particularly Momo's reaction when Aang gave him the smaller piece. Hey!
    • Aang justifying the proportions, "Appa's got five stomachs!"
  • The "real" history of what happened between Wei Jin and Jin Wei. The giant panda is awesome. Aaand then Aang later reveals the story to be a hoax. Best part? Katara likes it.

The Storm

  • At the very beginning of that episode, Aang wakes up everyone, and Sokka sits up, half-awake, knife and boomerang in hand, and says in a very sleepy voice: "What happened? Did we get captured again?"
  • After questioning about Aang's dream:

    Sokka: You guys wanna hear about my dream? (Katara gives him a look) That's okay. I don't wanna talk about it anyway.
    Sokka: This was in my dream! We shouldn't go to the market today.
    Katara: Why, what happens in your dream?
    Sokka: Food EATS PEOPLE! (beat) Also, Momo could talk. (to Momo) You said some very unkind things.

  • The look on Iroh's face as he's giving Lieutenant Jee the "Don't bring that topic up if you know what's good for you" sign.
  • One of the young monks looks an awful lot like Pig-Pen.
  • Gyatso using airbending to cover Aang's face with his cloak so he could switch their Pai Sho lotus tiles.
    • And later when Gyatso declares he will say when Aang will train and when he will "Get his butt kicked at Pai Sho."
  • Iroh deflecting lightning is awesome. Iroh's completely stunned expression afterward is hilarious. It just screams "Did I really just do that?"
    • Not to mention he's smoking and his hair is standing on end from the lightning blast.
  • This exchange from Sokka and the Fisherman during the storm:

    Sokka: I'm too young to die!
    Old Fisherman: I'm not, but I still don't wanna!

  • Just about every scene with the old fisherman:

    Sokka: (Katara leaves in a huff) Hey! They left without saying goodbye!
    Old Fisherman: Your friends ain't too polite.
    Sokka: I know! This one time, I was—
    Old Fisherman: Yeah, yeah, yeah, get below deck!

The Blue Spirit

  • Sokka, who is incredibly sick and delirious from the storm, makes a comment about how he loves Appa's sense of humor. Later in the scene:

    Appa: [grunt]
    Sokka: HAH! Classic Appa!

  • "Take that yooooou ROCK!"
  • With Katara and Sokka both sick after being caught in a storm, the first time Momo tries to fulfill Katara's request for water, he comes back with a mouse. A little later, we cut back to them and find that Momo still hasn't gotten the idea, and in the meantime has filled the cave with a mountain of odds and ends. The latest is a crown he puts right on Katara's head (Funny Moment of Crowning?), causing the hallucinating Sokka to call her "Your Highness".
    • Not only that, but if you look very closely during the episode "The Swamp", when Momo and Appa are being chased by the swampbenders, you can see that the tiara is one of objects Momo throws at them.
  • After the Medicine Woman tells him to find the frozen frogs so his friends could suck on them:

    Aang: You're insane, aren't you?
    Medicine Woman: That's riiiiight!

  • As Aang is chained up, the frozen frogs he has been gathering begin thawing and hopping away.

    "No, frogs! Come back, and stop thawing out! My friends need to suck on you!"

    • Later, when the Blue Spirit drags him away from the frogs, he pleads "Wait! My friends need to suck on those frogs!" You really have to wonder what Zuko was thinking at that point.
  • Zhao coming to find Aang gone, and the lone, defrosting frog crawling away.
  • The Blue Spirit not even hesitating a beat between Zhao declaring "the Avatar must be taken alive" and putting his swords to Aang's throat, after their awesome teamwork.
  • There's also the part while Iroh is playing Pai Sho, his opponents made quite a reaction when he makes a move that will result in their loss. One guy is making a Face Palm while the other makes a punch on the side of his face.

The Fortuneteller

  • The platypus-bear. Every single thing about it, from its introduction ("Look! Someone's being attacked by a platypus-bear!") to the ridiculous look of the ting, to the guy nonchalantly dodging its attacks with a smile on his face, to it laying an egg and running away when Appa shows up.
  • Aang gives Katara a necklace. Cute right? Of course Sokka then ruins the moment by saying "Smoochie, smoochie, someone's in looove." Naturally, he is immediately smacked. Not by Katara, though. Instead, by a fish.
  • Meng's view of seeing Aang for the first time, he's even seen picking his nose!
    • What makes this funnier later on is that Meng's voice actor is Jessie Flower — Toph Beifong, herself.
  • We also have this moment: Aang returns to the waiting room of Wu's house, having heard her prediction that Katara would marry a powerful bender, with a wide smile:

    Sokka: Looks like someone had a pretty good bathroom break.
    Aang: (embarrassed) Yeah... When I was in there —
    Sokka: (clearly disgusted) I don't even wanna know.

  • Aunt Wu's prediction for Aang and his reaction. It's funny enough that he's utterly disinterested in her prediction that he would be involved in a great battle that would decide the fate of the world, but it's even funnier that his apathy is completely justified.
  • When the townspeople are looking at clouds, Meng tries hitting on Aang by pointing out to him that one of them looks like a flower. At first, it doesn't look like he cares that much, then he pushes her aside and tries to hit on Katara the exact same way.
  • Katara incessantly badgering Aunt Wu. What makes it even funnier is Katara's huge and adorable grin after she asks Wu how warmly she should dress the next day.

    "And then you have your third great-grandchild before quietly passing away in your sleep. Now is that enough information for you?"

    • Serious Business taken to its logical extreme:

      Katara: Should I eat a mango or papaya for breakfast tomorrow?
      Aunt Wu: (exhausted and annoyed) PAPAYA. (slams door)
      Katara: Oh, I hate papaya... (kicks up dust)

    • Immediately after that, when Katara walks away after Aang awkwardly says "Hi" to her, a duck flies and lands nearby. It and Aang look at each other briefly, and it quacks. It's short, but comes so out of nowhere it's hilarious.
    • Katara can later be seeing buying a papaya.
  • Sokka trying to convince the villagers that they're relying too much on Aunt Wu's predictions and trying to get them to stop listening to her. However, he gets increasingly more frustrated with their insistence on following through with her predictions.


  • "Can your science explain why it rains?"
    • "Yes! Yes it can!"
  • This exchange from the end:

    Sokka: No offense, but I hope you've all learned a little lesson about not relying on fortunetelling too much.
    Villager: Ah, but Aunt Wu predicted the village would ''not'' be destroyed, and it wasn't! She was right after all!
    Sokka: I hate you!

  • The very last line of the episode: after Meng wishes Katara well before Appa flies them away, she mutters "floozy".

Bato of The Water Tribe

  • Iroh and Zuko are having a relaxing tea break, but then June and her shirshu crash the ship, causing Zuko to splash hot tea on his face.
  • Iroh saying that he was "very impressed" by June, and Zuko side-eyes him as if saying, "Really, Uncle?"
  • When they track Aang's movements to the crazy medicine lady's apothecary:

    Herbalist: Miyuki, did you get in trouble with the Fire Nation again?

  • Because Katara spent so much time at Aunt Wu's, Zuko is forced to wait for June's shirshu to stop sniffing and move on. When he tries to prompt it to move on, it growls at him and almost hits him with its tongue.
  • Iroh is a gold mine in this episode. During the Aang's fight against Zuko and June, there's a momentary break in the epic fight scene to him testing out the nuns' perfumes, looking side to side suspiciously, and then slipping it up his sleeve with a ^_^ expression.
  • Near the end:

    Zuko: Uncle? I didn't see you get hit with the tongue.
    Iroh: Shhh...

    • Which is then topped off by June's absolutely outraged expression (she's frozen in position directly on top of him).

The Deserter

  • The puppet show which doubles as Deliberate Values Dissonance and Black Comedy where a puppet of Fire Lord Ozai breathes fire torching a puppet of an earth bender which arouses cheering from the mostly child audience.
  • Sokka even gets a good quip about the above moment when Aang sees an exhibit with a huge crowd:

    Sokka: Knowing the Fire Nation, it's probably an execution.

  • Zhao's interrogation of the guards.

    Local Commander ...but other than that, the festival went off without a hitch!
    (flaming debris hits directly behind them, and the little group all get 'We're screwed' expressions)
    Local Commander: (weakly) No fights, theft was way down....

  • When Aang complains about Jeong Jeong's teaching methods:

    Jeong Jeong: Silence! Talking is not concentrating. Look at your friend; is she talking? Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he is doing.

    Sokka: Hey!

  • Aang's hilarious You Fight Like a Cow exchange with Zhao in the episode's climax.

    Aang: I don't know why, but I thought you'd be better than Zuko! [shouts and flattens self to the ground as a huge fireblast soars over him]

  • The Noodle Incident where Sokka got two fishhooks stuck in his thumb.

    Aang: Two?
    Katara: He tried to get the first fishhook out with another fishhook.

The Northern Air Temple

  • "I laugh at gravity all the time! Heh heh. Gravity."
    • The very idea that the Avatar universe knows what the force of gravity is, but some people apparently don't know why it rains.
  • This exchange:

    Katara: Do you really think we'll find Airbenders at the Northern Air Temple?
    Sokka: Do you want me to be like you or totally honest?
    Katara: Are you saying I'm a liar?
    Sokka: I'm just saying you're an optimist. Same thing, basically.

  • After Sokka is impressed at how the Mechanist is able to tell what time it is thanks to a special candle he made, the Mechanist offers to show Sokka his finger-safe knife sharpener, while mentioning how it only took him three tries to get it right. He then pulls out his three prosthetic fingers and throws them at Sokka, who is quite understandably creeped out.
  • The scene where Katara is learning to fly on a glider is giggle-worthy.

The Waterbending Master

  • This line:

    Zuko: For the last time, I'm not playing the tsungi horn.

  • Master Pakku was always good for these:
  • One commercial break later...

    Katara: I didn't travel across the entire world so you could tell me "no"!
    Pakku: No.

  • There are plenty of giggle worthy moments during Katara's match with Pakku.
    • Katara breaks out of Pakku's water wall and it ends up being directed towards Sokka who gets knocked back by the wave.
    • She bends a block of ice and turns them into discs that she shoots at Pakku. He blocks all of them except one that barely grazes past, showing his stunned reflections. Even when he turns to look at Katara his face says, "What the heck was that?!"
  • Aang referring to Pakku as "Master Poophead."

The Siege of The North Part 1

  • Katara easily takes out one of Paku's students.

    Pakku: Nice try, Pupil Sangok. A couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge.

    • Aang can then be seeing playing with Momo and Pakku asks if that meant he had mastered waterbending. Aang denies this, but shows that he can waterbend himself into a snowman. Pakku and Katara both share unimpressed looks as Momo tackles Aang.
  • When they bring out the fire nation navy uniforms for the Water Tribe warriors to wear in an undercover mission Sokka laughs pointing out Fire Nation uniforms don't look like the one Hahn is wearing and we find out they are several decades out of date.
  • When Momo starts fishing in the Spirit Oasis, Yue gives him a rather annoyed look.
  • When Aang mediates to cross into the Spirit World, this conversation takes place:

    Yue: Why is he [Aang] sitting like that?
    Katara: He's meditating. Trying to cross over into the Spirit World. It takes all his concentration.
    Yue: Is there any way we can help?
    Aang: How about some quiet?! Come on, guys, I can hear every word you're saying!

The Siege of The North Part 2

  • Hahn trying to ambush Zhao on the ship.

    Hanh: Admiral Choi! Prepare to meet your fate! (charges against Zhao)
    (Zhao casually dodges Hanh's charge, causing Hanh to fall overboard)
    Zhao: As I was saying...

  • This Hilarious in Hindsight moment when Aang is talking with Koh.

    Aang: (while Koh has his back to him, while realizing that he's already seen the Ocean and Moon spirits) The Koi fish!
    Koh: (whips around)
    Aang: (epic poker face) I must be going now.

  • Hei Bai helps Aang back to the mortal world, and the rude monkey spirit says, "Good riddance." Hei Bai transforms into his six-legged form and lets the monkey have a Breath Weapon in the face.
  • After Aang wakes up from his trip into the spirit world, he manages to get away from Zuko, but since his limbs are all tied up, he attempts to worm crawl through the snow to escape. Zuko easily catches up.
  • Zuko asks Katara if she came back for a rematch completely forgetting that he's fighting a waterbender under the full moon.

    Katara: Trust me Zuko, it's not going to be much of a match. (traps Zuko in an ice pillar and slams him into the ground)

  • When Zhao starts up one of his hammiest moments in the series after capturing the Moon spirit:

    Zhao: I am...a legend, now! The Fire Nation will, for generations, tell stories about the great Zhao, who darkened the moon. They will call me Zhao the Conqueror! Zhao the Moonslayer! Zhao the INVINCIBLE! (Momo jumps on his head) Get it off! GET IT OFF!


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/AvatarTheLastAirbenderBookOne

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